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Work Truck Websites, Inventory Systems and More

Do you sometimes feel like this?
We can help you!

A work truck inventory provides the vehicle information the buyer needs.

A work truck website increases buyer’s credibility in your dealership.

Our Dashboard Report ensures the site is generating the website traffic needed for success.

Work Truck Buyers

They know exactly what they need!

Their needs are different than a retail buyer, the information they need is different too!

Their first impression and opinion of your work truck dealership will be made in the first few seconds on your website! 

Do you sometimes feel like this?
We can help you!
A work truck inventory provides the vehicle information the buyer needs.

A work truck website increases buyer’s credibility in your dealership.

Our Dashboard Report ensures the site is generating the website traffic needed for success.

Our Work Truck Inventory is Informative

Our inventory provides valuable work truck-related information, unlike a retail inventory.

Our Work Truck Inventory Is Informative

Our inventory provides valuable work truck related information, unlike a retail inventory.

A Dedicated Work Truck Website
Provides Valuable Information to Buyers

The Home page of your website maybe your only opportunity to educate the buyer on all you can offer them.

Customized For Your Dealership

(Example Website Home Page)

Our Dedicated Work Truck Website Provides Valuable Informatioin

The Home page of your website maybe your only opportunity to educate the buyer on all you can offer them.

Customized For Your Dealership!

(Example Website Home Page)
Our Dashboard Report
Crucial Traffic Monitoring
You can have the best website in the world but if your marketing efforts are not generating traffic to your site,
it will fail, and so might you.

This report gives you the opportunity of modifying your marketing efforts to help ensure your success.

It is based on Google Analytics, the Gold Standard for analytic tools.
(This is part of the information emailed to you weekly.)

Our Dashboard Report Crucial Traffic Monitoring

You can have the best website in the world but if your marketing efforts are not generating traffic to your site, it will fail, and so might you.

This report gives you the opportunity of modifying your marketing efforts to help ensure your success.

It is based on Google Analytics, the Gold Standard for analytic tools.

(This is part of the information emailed to you weekly.)

your path to greater success!

Our Work Truck Inventory

A Dedicated Work Truck Website

and, Weekly dashboard Reports

your path to greater success!

Our Work Truck Inventory

A Dedicated Work Truck Website

and, Weekly dashboard Reports

Work Truck Pros is part of Advanced Integration Technologies (AIT).  AIT has been helping companies manage and control their warehouse inventories since 1994. In 2005, we brought our inventory knowledge and know how together to create a work truck inventory system for dealer’s websites.

The inventory created is an excellent marketing tool for your work truck inventory. It is one of the most comprehensive marketing solutions for work trucks on the market today.

Most of our competitors stop there, but marketing is only part of the solution.  Inventory management is the other part. You will find that our extensive management reports provide helpful, insightful information about your inventory.  This information can help you make informed stocking decisions, so you have the right trucks at the right time.